Frequently Asked Questions


What is Healtheja?

Healtheja is an AI-powered digital assistant that provides personalized health assistance including symptom checking, medical reports explainers, reminders of medications and preventive actions, cognitive behavioral therapy.

Can Healtheja replace my doctor?

No, Healtheja does not provide clinical advice, diagnosis, or treatment - you should consult a physician for those. Healtheja's symptom analysis feature is intended to be used only as an informational guide to learn about possible underlying conditions, based on user-provided details.

Is my health data secure with Healtheja?

Yes, we take your privacy and data security very seriously. We go beyond standard privacy practices and allow users control of their data stored on Healtheja's systems.

When will the Healtheja mobile app become available?

We expect to make the app (in iOS and Android) available to users in the US in December, 2024


Who is the team behind Healtheja?

Healtheja is built by Healtheja, Inc. Healtheja, Inc is founded by Prathima Madda and Jagadeesh Kondru with the goal of making high-quality, personalized health information accessible to everyone, anytime, anywhere.

What does Healtheja mean?

Healtheja is the combination of Health and Theja. Theja means bright, in Sanskrit.

How can I contact Healtheja?

Email us at hello AT